Summer School

Summer School

Students can take a summer school class to earn half a credit (.5). It’s a great way to recover credit from a failed class or earn advance credit. 

The 2024 summer school session takes place at DeKalb High School (DHS) from 7:45 a.m. to noon. It begins on May 29 and ends on June 24. There is no class on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, in observance of Juneteenth.

Transportation is provided on a limited basis. Submit a transportation request by May 20 to Audra Henderson-Sawyer (DHS administrative secretary).   


The cost of summer school is $165 per student, plus any fees. Summer school is free for students who participate in the free lunch program. Students who participate in the reduced lunch program pay half tuition/fees. 

After enrollment is confirmed, payment can be submitted to Lara Smith (DHS treasurer). Checks should be made out to DHS. Any fees not paid by the end of July 2024 will be sent to collections. Tuition is non-refundable.


You can register for summer school online. Limited space is available, so register early. We’ll notify parents and students of their enrollment status at the end of the 2023-2024 school year. 

Current High School Students

Current high school students can enroll in one of several courses. 

Current High School Student Registration

Incoming Freshmen

Incoming freshmen can enroll in World Geography. Please note that if your student is recommended to our SOAR class, that takes precedence over World Geography.

Incoming Freshman Registration


Punctual attendance is mandatory, and all absences are unexcused, whether planned or due to illness/emergency. 

If a student is 1-10 minutes late to class, they receive a tardy. If they’re more than 10 minutes late, it counts as an absence. If a student receives two tardies, it counts as an absence. 

Students with more than two absences (any combination of tardies and absences) are automatically dropped from the class.

There are no exceptions to this policy.

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